The mission of Core Technology Services is to deliver technology- based resources, services, and solutions to NDUS students, faculty, staff, institutions, System Office, and North Dakota residents.
CTS does this by leveraging current technologies, researching new technologies, and positioning the University System to innovate and use future technologies.
CTS provides secure information management and technology services to the North Dakota University System, linking academic and business services within the NDUS community, and by connecting users to the information and educational resources they need to accomplish their goals.
The chancellor is delegated authority and directed to develop information technology planning, policies, standards, guidelines, and project management oversight and reporting in coordination with the state information technology department. NDUS information technology (IT) projects shall comply with established standards, guidelines, procedures, and processes.
An annual report concerning higher education information technology planning and services is prepared for the board. In addition, information on higher education information technology planning services and major projects are provided on request to the information technology committee.