ERP360 Market Analysis

NDUS ERP360 Market Analysis

CTS and campuses are embarking on a several-month market analysis regarding the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The current ERP system, PeopleSoft, has been around since 2002. The ERP is a vital tool for managing NDUS campuses business processes across different departments and functions. It enables campuses to manage their Financials, Human Capital Management, Student Information System, and its ancillaries.


The purpose of this market analysis is to gain a better understanding of the current trends and developments in the ERP market in higher education. We want to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current system, as well as other ERP solutions and evaluate how they can be integrated into our existing systems.

By conducting this market analysis, we hope to achieve the following objectives:


  1. Conduct a Current State Assessment of existing ERP via our awarded consultant, Peak Performance Technologies.
  2. Identify the best ERP solutions in the market that meet our business requirements and budget through a value assessment.
  3. Evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing a new ERP system.
  4. Assess the risks associated with implementing a new ERP system and identify strategies to mitigate these risks.
  5. Determine the costs associated with implementing a new ERP system and develop a detailed implementation plan to bring to the next legislative biennium in the form of a budget request.

The data collected from the market analysis will enable making data informed decisions and ensure that the right solutions are chosen for the needs across all campuses. Conducting the market analysis on the ERP system will help us develop a detailed, well-thought-out RFP if the data indicates the need for a new system.




Timeline of Analysis



  • Communication plan was created and announced to all stakeholders in February through June 2023.


  • The ERP 360 Charter approved by the PS Executive steering committee in June 2023.


  • As part of the ERP360 Approval process, executive level assignments were added from Campus Presidents. Campus Pillar Leads were assigned roles as well in August through September 2023.


  • An IFB for a consultant was awarded in October 2023. Peak Performance Technologies will be performing a current state assessment across all campuses. The consultant will also be coordinating discussions with other Higher Education institutions that have reviewed, implemented, or deployed new ERPs within the last 5-7 years. This will be done October 2023-April 2024. The consultant will also write and present an executive summary in May-June 2024.


If you are interested in listening to lessons learned from other institutions, please check out this page: NDUS CTS | ERP Lessons Learned. 



Updated ERP Teams List: ERP-Market-Analysis-Teams-List



Executive summary of recommendations: ERP360 Market Analysis Governance Recommendation



Final Report presented at NDHEUG: ERP360 Market Analysis Findings and Recommendations (NDUS email needed)

Updated 11/5/24




More information will be posted. Please check back regularly.